How To Do Side Planks

How To Do Side Planks: Best Beginners Guide

Side planks are a fundamental exercise targeting the core muscles, significantly enhancing strength and stability. This beginner-friendly guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of executing a side plank correctly, ensuring you optimize its benefits without risking injury. Whether you’re a fitness rookie or looking to diversify your workout routine, mastering the side plank can provide profound results, tightening your abdominal muscles and improving overall posture. Read on as we explore the basics, from getting into position to maintaining your form throughout the exercise.

Understanding How to do the Side Planks

Side planks are a fundamental exercise primarily used to strengthen the core muscles by maintaining a position that challenges the entire torso, hips, and shoulders. The exercise involves lying on one side with the forearm placed on the ground and feet stacked or staggered. The objective is to elevate the hips off the ground, forming a straight diagonal line from head to toe, and to hold this position for a specified time. How to do side planks effectively depends on maintaining proper form to maximize the benefits while minimizing the risk of injury. This move is highly adaptable and can be modified to suit fitness beginners or challenged further for those more experienced.

Importance of mastering side planks for core strength

Mastering side planks is crucial for anyone looking to build a stable and robust core, which is vital for overall fitness and daily activities. The core is more than just abs; it includes multiple muscle groups such as the obliques, lower back, and glutes. These muscles work in harmony to support posture, ensure efficient movement patterns, and protect the spine. Improved core strength through exercises like side planks also enhances the ability to perform other physical activities and exercises more effectively and safely. For beginners, learning how to do side planks correctly is a stepping stone towards a more fit and active lifestyle.

How To Do Side Planks: Best Beginners Guide
Photo by Elina Fairytale

Benefits of Side Planks

Side planks are a popular core-strengthening exercise that offer a multitude of benefits for overall fitness and wellness. By engaging the obliques, transverse abdominis, and other stabilizing muscles, side planks help improve core strength, stability, and balance.

This exercise also targets the muscles along the sides of the body, promoting a toned and sculpted appearance. Additionally, side planks can help improve posture, reduce the risk of lower back pain, and enhance athletic performance in various sports and activities.

Incorporating side planks into your workout routine can lead to a stronger core, improved functional movement, and better overall physical health.

1. Strengthening the entire midsection

Side planks are incredibly beneficial for strengthening the entire midsection or the core muscles, including the obliques, rectus abdominis, and the transverse abdominis. By engaging these muscles during the exercise, side planks not only enhance muscle endurance but also contribute to a tighter, more toned abdominal area.

The effectiveness of side planks in targeting these areas helps in developing a stronger midsection, which is essential for the overall body strength and can significantly improve posture. Regular practice of this exercise can lead to visible improvements in muscle definition and core functionality.

2. Improving balance and stability

One of the standout benefits of incorporating side planks into a workout routine is the improvement in balance and stability. This exercise requires you to stabilize your body on just two points of contact, which forces multiple muscle groups to cooperate.

Over time, this improves proprioceptive awareness the body’s ability to perceive and respond to position, motion, and equilibrium. Enhanced balance and stability are beneficial not only in various sports but in daily activities as well, reducing the risk of falls and other injuries associated with poor stabilization.

3. Enhancing overall core strength

Side planks are a powerhouse when it comes to boosting overall core strength. By regularly performing this exercise, you condition the core muscles to better support and stabilize your spine, which can alleviate lower back pain and improve your alignment.

Moreover, a strong core is foundational for transferring strength and energy from the center of the body outward to the limbs, which can enhance performance in a variety of athletic activities. Therefore, learning how to do side planks and integrating them into your fitness regimen can significantly contribute to a healthier, more resilient body.

Photo by Elina Fairytale

How To Do Side Planks Correctly

Understanding how to execute a side plank correctly is crucial for maximizing its benefits and minimizing injury risks. This core-strengthening exercise, when performed with accuracy, can lead to improved balance, better posture, and enhanced athletic performance. Below we detail the proper form and alignment followed by a beginner-friendly, step-by-step guide to get you started.

Proper form and alignment

When it’s time to perform a side plank, proper form and alignment are key to ensuring you engage the correct muscles and protect your body from strain. Begin by selecting a firm, flat surface and a comfortable mat to provide cushioning for your elbows and feet.

  1. Position your elbow directly under your shoulder: To create a strong and safe base, make sure your supporting elbow is aligned directly under your shoulder. This alignment helps in reducing the stress on your shoulder joint and maintains stability across the torso.
  2. Stack your legs: Your legs should be extended and stacked one on top of the other. This stacked position helps in maintaining balance and ensures the work is evenly distributed across the core muscles. For beginners, there’s the option to bend the lower knee and place it on the ground to provide additional support.
  3. Engage your core: Tightening your abdominal muscles is crucial. Imagine pulling your belly button towards your spine. This engagement not only helps to stabilize your body but also enhances the strength development in your core area.
  4. Align your body: Ensure that your body is in a straight line from head to feet. Avoid any sagging in your hips or waist. Your head should be in a neutral position, aligned with your spine, and your eyes gazing forward or slightly downward.
  5. Lift your hips: Elevate your hips to bring your body into a straight line, making sure not to let your hips drop. Your weight should be distributed between your elbow and your feet, keeping the side of your waist lifted.

Continuing to hold this position while maintaining proper breathing is essential for maximizing the efficacy of the side plank.

How To Do Side Planks: Best Beginners Guide
Photo by Kampus Production

Step-by-step guide for beginners on how to do side planks

For those new to side planks, the following step-by-step guide will help ease you into this exercise while ensuring safety and correctness:

  1. Start on your side: Lie on your right side initially, with your legs extended and left leg stacked on top of the right. Place your right elbow under your shoulder, ensuring its aligned properly.
  2. Elevate your body: Keeping your feet in contact with the ground, lift your hips off the ground by pushing through your forearm and feet. Your body should form a straight line from your head to your feet.
  3. Stabilize: Engage your core by tightening your abdominal muscles. Ensure your spine remains in a neutral position, and your hips are lifted, avoiding any sagging.
  4. Hold the position: Maintain this posture for about 10-30 seconds (based upon your ability) while breathing normally. Focus on keeping your torso as stable as possible.
  5. Return to the start: Lower your hips back to the floor slowly and control the movement throughout.
  6. Repeat: Switch sides and repeat the process. Aim for 2-3 sets on each side.

Starting with low duration holds and progressively increasing the time as your strength improves is a recommended approach for beginners.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While side planks are an excellent exercise for core strengthening, poor technique can lead to little benefit or potential injury. Be mindful of these common mistakes to enhance the effectiveness of your workout and ensure safety.

1. Arching the back

One of the frequent errors in performing side planks is arching the back. This not only reduces the efficacy of the exercise targeting the core muscles but also puts unnecessary stress on the spine.

  • Solution: Frequently check your form during the exercise. Ensure your body forms a straight line from head to feet. Engaging your core continuously will help maintain this proper alignment and prevent arching.
2. Holding the position incorrectly

Incorrectly holding the side plank position is another common mistake that can alter the muscle groups the exercise targets, decreasing its effectiveness.

  • Solution: Regularly practice the exercise in front of a mirror or record your sessions to self-check or get feedback. Ensure your supporting elbow is directly under your shoulder and that your body is straight. Avoid letting your hips sag or lift too high, and keep your legs and feet properly aligned.
3. Breathing improperly

Proper breathing plays a critical role in the effectiveness of any exercise, including side planks. Inappropriate breathing can lead to a lack of core stability and decreased endurance in holding the position.

  • Solution: Focus on maintaining a steady, rhythmic breathing pattern. Inhale deeply through your nose, and exhale slowly through your mouth. This type of breathing not only helps in stabilizing the core but also increases concentration and endurance throughout the exercise.

By addressing these common errors and focusing on correct form, beginners can effectively enhance their side plank performance, leading to better core strength and stability over time.

Photo by Klaus Nielsen

Side Plank Variations

Exploring variations of the basic side plank can significantly enhance core strength and balance while targeting additional muscle groups. They also add excitement to your exercise routine, preventing it from becoming monotonous. The following side plank modifications are perfect for those who have mastered the standard form and are looking to challenge themselves further.

Adding leg lifts for extra challenge

Introducing leg lifts to your side plank can increase the intensity of the workout, amplifying the benefits to your core and lower body muscles, particularly the abductors and glutes. To perform this variation:

  1. Begin in the basic side plank position with your body fully extended, balancing on one arm and the sides of your feet.
  2. Ensure your hips and knees are in a straight line and your core is engaged.
  3. Slowly raise your top leg upward without bending your knee. Lift it as high as possible while maintaining balance and form.
  4. Hold the position briefly, then lower your leg back down to its initial position.
  5. Aim for 5 to 10 lifts before switching sides.

Remember to keep the rest of your body still as you lift your leg. Only the leg should move, which will require you to engage your core muscles intensely to maintain stability.

Incorporating side plank with rotation

Adding a rotation to the side plank not only works the obliques but also engages the shoulders and enhances spinal rotation flexibility. This variation brings a dynamic movement to the otherwise static exercise:

  1. Start in a standard side plank, forming a straight line from your head to your feet, resting on one arm.
  2. Extend your free arm directly towards the ceiling.
  3. Slowly rotate your upper body towards the floor, leading with your extended arm and twisting only at your waist.
  4. Your extended arm should now reach under and past your body, following through the rotation.
  5. Rotate back to the starting position with your arm extended upwards.
  6. Perform this rotation for a set of 8-10 repetitions before switching to the other side.

Control is crucial with the rotating side plank; ensure each movement is smooth and deliberate.

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto

Utilizing forearm or extended arm position

The base of your side plank can be modified by either positioning your forearm on the ground or extending your entire arm, with each option presenting different benefits.

1. Forearm Side Plank: This version is excellent for those who need to reduce stress on their wrists or require more stability.

  • Lie on your side with your forearm on the ground, elbow aligned under your shoulder.
  • Lift your hips off the ground, forming a straight line from your ankles to your shoulders.
  • Hold this position, focusing on maintaining a tight core and breathing steadily.

2. Extended Arm Side Plank: This variation increases the difficulty by requiring more strength and balance.

  • Start by placing your hand firmly on the ground, directly under your shoulder.
  • Extend your body upward, keeping a single line from feet to head.
  • Keep your other arm extended towards the sky to help maintain balance.

Both variations are effective for strengthening the core and can be alternated depending on your fitness goals and physical condition.

Through these variations, practitioners can not only boost the intensity of their core workouts but also keep their routines diverse and interesting, paving the way for continuous improvement and motivation.


Learning how to do side planks. and incorporating it into your daily fitness regimen can be a game-changer for your overall health and physical capabilities. Start with a few seconds and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable with the pose. You can practice side planks anywhere, requiring no special equipment, making them a versatile and straightforward addition to your routine. Challenge yourself by exploring the different variations and increase the intensity as you progress.

Consistency is key when it comes to any exercise, and side planks are no exception. For beginners, its important to maintain a regular schedule of performing side planks to truly reap the benefits discussed in this guide. Set small, achievable goals and keep a positive mindset. Over time, as you consistently practice, you’ll notice improvements in strength, stability, and endurance, which will motivate you to continue and explore more advanced movements.

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