How To Do Spiderman Push-Ups

How To Do Spiderman Push-Ups 2024

Spiderman push-ups are a dynamic exercise that introduces a new level of challenge and engagement to the standard push-up. Named after the wall-crawling superhero, this exercise not only targets your upper body but also engages your core and improves your agility.

Whether you’re looking to spice up your workout routine or enhance muscle coordination and strength, mastering Spiderman push-ups can be both fun and beneficial. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to execute this exercise correctly, ensuring you maximize its benefits while minimizing injury risk.

Understanding Spiderman Push-ups

Spiderman push-ups are a dynamic exercise that integrates the traditional push-up with a knee tuck, specifically targeting multiple muscle groups.

This exercise not only enhances the strength of these muscles but also improves overall body function and athletic performance. Here, we explore the various benefits of incorporating Spiderman push-ups into your fitness regimen.

Strengthening core muscles

One of the primary advantages of Spiderman push-ups is the emphasis on core stability and strength. As you draw one knee towards your elbow during the movement, your abdominal muscles, including the obliques, are engaged intensely.

This action requires and builds a high degree of core control and endurance. Strengthening the core is crucial not only for athletic performance but also for daily activities, as it helps in maintaining good posture, reducing lower back pain, and improving balance.

Targeting chest and shoulders effectively

In addition to the core, Spiderman push-ups provide an excellent workout for the upper body, particularly the chest and shoulders. The traditional push-up portion of the exercise actively engages the pectoral muscles and deltoids.

As you alternate bringing your knees to your elbows, there is an increased engagement in these muscle groups, making them work harder than they do in a standard push-up.

This intensified muscle activation not only builds muscle mass but also enhances muscle definition and strength in the upper body.

How To Do Spiderman Push-Ups 2024
Credit: Angelika Heine

Preparing for Spiderman Push-Ups

Before attempting Spiderman push-ups, it’s crucial to prepare your body with appropriate warm-up exercises and ensure you understand the proper form and posture to avoid injury and gain the most from the workout.

Warm-up exercises for upper body

Beginning your workout with targeted warm-up exercises can significantly reduce the risk of injury and improve your performance during Spiderman push-ups. Here are a few effective warm-up exercises you can perform:

  1. Arm circles: Start by standing straight and extending your arms parallel to the floor. Slowly make small circles with your arms, gradually increasing the size of the circles. Perform at least 10 circles in each direction.
  2. Push-up plank: This engages your core and primes your upper body for push-ups. Hold a plank position on your hands for 30 seconds to one minute. Ensure your body forms a straight line from your head to your heels.
  3. Classic push-ups: Start with 10 to 15 classic push-ups to warm up your chest, shoulders, and triceps. This not only heats the muscles but also preps the joints for the range of motion required in Spiderman push-ups.
Ensuring proper form and posture

Maintaining the correct form and posture during Spiderman push-ups is essential to maximize benefits and minimize the risk of injury. Here are key points to keep in mind:

  1. Hand positioning: Your hands should be placed on the ground slightly wider than shoulder-width apart with fingers pointing forward. This position helps distribute your weight evenly and increases stability.
  2. Body alignment: Keep your body in a straight line from head to heels throughout the exercise. Avoid sagging your hips or hiking them up as either can strain your lower back.
  3. Movement precision: As you lower yourself into the push-up, simultaneously pull one knee towards the elbow on the same side. Ensure the movement is smooth and controlled, not jerky or rushed.
  4. Breathing: Inhale as you lower your body and exhale as you push back up and bring your knee to your elbow. Proper breathing helps maintain endurance and focus.

By focusing on these preparatory steps and maintaining awareness of your form, you ensure a safe and effective workout that capitalizes on the benefits Spiderman push-ups have to offer.

Whether you’re looking to build muscle strength, enhance your core stability, or add variety to your exercise routine, this dynamic push-up variation is a valuable addition.

Steps to Perform Spiderman Push-Ups

To begin with Spiderman push-ups, you first need to establish a strong starting position. Begin in a standard push-up position on the ground. Your arms should be straight and placed just beyond shoulder-width apart.

Keep your feet together and your toes firmly planted on the floor. Your body should form a straight line from your head to your heels, engaging your core and glutes to keep a rigid body posture.

This proper alignment is crucial as it serves as the base from which you execute the rest of the movement.

Execution of the push-up movement

Once you are set in the starting position, initiate the push-up by bending your elbows and lowering your body towards the ground. Ensure your elbows are at a 45-degree angle to your body, not flared out wide.

Lower yourself until your chest almost touches the floor. Keep your eyes focused slightly ahead of you, not straight down, to maintain a neutral neck posture.

It is important to perform this motion with control to maximize muscle engagement and prevent strain or injury.

Incorporating the Spiderman twist

As you lower your body during the push-up, simultaneously lift your right knee outwards and try to touch your right elbow with it.

This is the Spiderman twist that targets additional core muscles and improves flexibility. Keep the lifted leg flexed as you try to reach the elbow.

Then, push back up to the starting position, returning your right leg to its original place next to your left leg. Alternate the leg with each repetition, lifting your left knee towards your left elbow on the next push-up.

This alternating pattern not only enhances upper body strength but also intensifies the workout for your oblique and abdominal muscles.

How To Do Spiderman Push-Ups 2024
Credit: mheim3011

Common Mistakes to Avoid

1. Arching the back

One of the most common errors while performing Spiderman push-ups is arching the back either upwards or downwards. This mistake can lead to back pain and reduce the effectiveness of the exercise on the intended muscle groups.

To avoid this, concentrate on maintaining a plank-like position throughout the movement. Engage your core muscles continuously to support your lower back.

If maintaining this position becomes too challenging, consider performing the exercise on your knees or reducing the number of repetitions until your strength improves.

2. Dropping the hips

Dropping the hips is another frequent mistake that can occur during Spiderman push-ups. When your hips sag, it takes the focus away from your abdominal muscles and puts unnecessary pressure on your lower back.

To prevent this, ensure that your body is in a straight line from head to heels. Think of pulling your belly button towards your spine to keep your hips in line with the rest of your body.

This adjustment not only protects your back but also ensures that your core is actively engaged throughout the exercise.

3. Incorrect hand placement

Hand placement is critical in any push-up variation, and improper placement can lead to shoulder strain and decreased effectiveness of the exercise.

In Spiderman push-ups, ensure that your hands are placed slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Your hands should be directly under your shoulders when viewed from above.

Avoid the temptation to place your hands too far forward, as this can shift the load improperly and increase the risk of shoulder injuries. Proper hand placement helps distribute weight evenly and allows for a full range of motion in the push-up, maximizing the exercise’s benefits.

Tips for Beginners

When starting out with Spiderman push-ups, it’s essential to pace yourself and adapt the exercise based on your fitness level. These modifications ensure you build strength gradually without risking injury.

Modify the exercise for lower intensity

To lower the intensity of Spiderman push-ups, consider the following adjustments:

  • Knee-Based Modification: Perform the standard Spiderman push-up, but instead of extending your leg, keep your knees on the ground. This reduces the load on your arms while still engaging your core and obliques.
  • Wall Spiderman Push-Ups: If you find it difficult to maintain form, start by doing the push-ups against a wall. Stand facing the wall, place your hands on the wall at chest height, and as you bend your elbows to bring your chest closer to the wall, lift one knee towards the elbow. Alternate knees with each rep.

By starting with these modifications, you can gradually increase your strength and confidence to perform the standard Spiderman push-up.

Consistency in practice for improvement

The key to mastering Spiderman push-ups is consistent practice. Here are a few strategies to help you stay on track:

  • Set Small Goals: Initially, aim to complete a small number of full Spiderman push-ups correctly. Gradually increase the number as your strength improves.
  • Regular Sessions: Incorporate Spiderman push-ups into your regular workout routine. Try to do them at least twice a week, which will help improve your technique and build muscle memory.
  • Track Progress: Keep a workout log to track how many push-ups you do and any improvements in your form or strength over time. This will keep you motivated and help you see your progress.

By focusing on regular practice and gradually increasing your difficulty, you’ll find yourself improving steadily and building the physical capability to handle more advanced variations.

Credit: mheim3011

Advanced Spiderman Push-Up Variations

Once you’re comfortable with the basic Spiderman push-up, challenge yourself with these advanced variations to further enhance your strength, flexibility, and balance.

Spiderman push-ups with a clap

Adding a clap to your Spiderman push-ups injects a plyometric element that improves power and explosiveness. To perform this variation:

  • Start in the standard push-up position.
  • As you lower into the push-up, bring one knee towards the corresponding elbow.
  • Push up forcefully from the ground, lifting your hands off the mat, and clap them together before landing.
  • Ensure you maintain good form throughout the exercise to avoid injury. Land softly and immediately go into the next repetition with the alternate knee.

This variation not only increases your upper body strength but also enhances coordination and agility.

Spiderman push-ups with a knee tuck

This variation increases the intensity by adding a core-strengthening component to your workout:

  • Begin in a standard push-up position.
  • As you lower your body, bring one knee out to the side towards the elbow.
  • When pushing back up, instead of just returning your leg to the start position, tuck the knee forward under your stomach, and then extend it back out to the starting position.
  • Repeat with the other leg on the next push-up.
  • Keep your back straight and hips stable throughout the exercise to maximize core engagement.

The knee tuck adds a challenging core exercise to the already demanding Spiderman push-up, making it a comprehensive workout for the upper body, core, and obliques.

Incorporating Spiderman Push-Ups into Your Workout Routine

Spiderman push-ups are a dynamic addition to any workout regimen, designed to enhance not just strength but also coordination and flexibility.

Integrating this exercise into your routine can help elevate your fitness, but like any intensive exercise, it’s essential to balance frequency and intensity to avoid overtraining.

Frequency and sets recommendation

For those new to Spiderman push-ups, start by incorporating them twice a week to allow your body to adapt to the new movements. As you gain strength and confidence, you can increase the frequency to three times a week.

Beginners should aim for two sets of 5 to 8 repetitions per side. Intermediate and advanced users can push this number higher, aiming for three sets of 10 to 12 repetitions per side.

Always listen to your body and adjust the volume and frequency based on how you feel during and after workouts.

Combining with other exercises for a full-body workout

Spiderman push-ups can be part of a comprehensive full-body workout. To maximize efficacy, pair them with lower body exercises and core workouts. Here’s a sample combination:

  1. Upper Body: Start with the Spiderman push-ups, followed by pull-ups or rows to work the back and biceps.
  2. Lower Body: Incorporate exercises like squats or lunges. These movements complement the push-up by focusing on the lower body and helping maintain balance in muscle development.
  3. Core Stability: Include planks or medicine ball twists to engage and strengthen the core, which is crucial for overall stability and strength.
  4. Cardio Option: If you aim to increase cardiovascular fitness and burn calories, adding short bursts of high-intensity activities like jumping jacks or burpees in between can elevate your heart rate and intensify your workout.

By integrating these elements, your workout can remain balanced and dynamic, enhancing overall fitness and preventing the monotony sometimes associated with exercise routines.

a woman is doing push ups on the grass
Photo by Monika Kabise

Post-Workout Recovery and Stretching

After any demanding workout, including one featuring Spiderman push-ups, engaging in proper post-exercise recovery practices is pivotal.

This phase helps in muscle recovery, reduces the risk of injury, and ensures your muscles get the most benefit from your workout efforts.

Importance of cooldown exercises

Cooldown exercises help transition your body back to a resting state and are as crucial as the workout itself. After completing your routine, spend about 5–10 minutes on low-intensity activities such as walking or slow jogging.

This helps in gradually lowering the heart rate and promotes circulation, which is essential for muscle recovery and removal of lactic acid build-up.

Following this, a proper stretching routine can help in further prevention of stiffness and aid in flexibility.

Stretching routines for upper body muscles

Following Spiderman push-ups, your chest, shoulders, and triceps are likely to be especially tense. Including targeted stretches for these muscles can help reduce soreness and improve future performance. Here are a few stretches to consider:

  • Chest Stretch: Stand in a doorway or against a wall. Place your arm up at a 90-degree angle, and gently lean into the open space to stretch your pectoral muscles.
  • Shoulder Stretch: Bring one arm across your body and lightly pull it closer with your opposite hand, stretching the shoulder muscles.
  • Triceps Stretch: Reach one arm overhead, bend the elbow to touch the opposite shoulder blade, and use the other hand to gently push back on the bent elbow.
  • Combined Stretch: Engage in yoga poses like the ‘child’s pose’ or ‘cobra pose’ which can help in stretching both the back and front portions of your upper body.

Ensure each stretch is held for about 15-30 seconds for maximum effectiveness. Avoid rushing through these stretches as slower, more deliberate movements are often more beneficial.

Developing a routine that includes both Spiderman push-ups and an effective recovery program can significantly enhance your fitness trajectory.

By following these structured exercise and recovery suggestions, you’ll ensure that your efforts in integrating Spiderman push-ups into your workouts are as rewarding and effective as possible.


Incorporating Spiderman push-ups into your workout routine can significantly enhance upper body strength, core stability, and overall agility. While challenging, mastering this exercise ensures a dynamic and effective workout that targets multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

Start slowly to maintain form and prevent injury, gradually increasing intensity as your strength improves. With consistent practice, Spiderman push-ups can become a key element of a balanced, strength-building fitness regimen, supporting both physical health and athletic performance. Remember, fitness is a journey, and every new exercise brings you one step closer to your goals. Happy training!

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